Thursday, June 30, 2016

5 Hope-Filled, Tear-Jerking Examples of Storytelling with Video

It’s been said time and time again that video is the most effective medium for building stories and conveying emotions. And emotional stories are one of the strongest ways to connect with your audience.

No one can argue with that.

But we invite you to try after watching this collection of 5 recent video examples that’ll fill you with excitement, hope, pride, fear, and yes, sadness. Out with the words and in with the videos — ranked in order of potential to tickle your heart — we’ll leave you to it.

1. Garnier’s ‘Beautiful Horror’ Flick

2. Momondo’s ‘DNA Journey’


3. Interac’s ‘The Surprise’

4. University of Waterloo’s ‘Landmine Boys’


5. 30 Millions D’Amis Foundation’s ‘Do Not Abandon’

Warning: if you’re a dog lover (or have a heart of any sort), this one is particularly saddening. An important message and a phenomenal video, but viewer discretion is advised.

I’ll give you a minute to collect yourself (*phew*). … And then I want to know, which one was your favorite? Vote for the videos 1-5 in the comments below!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Legal Rights in Your Video Soundtrack — 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Choosing music for your video can be a tough choice and what can make that choice even more challenging are the legal considerations that come along with it. Unfortunately, this can be a grey and muddy area in terms of understanding what is and isn’t legal and fair regarding the rights to your video’s soundtrack.

My goal is to help clarify and perhaps simplify an area of video production that is riddled with confusion and misinformation. Let’s begin by figuring out how we get a piece of music we like into our video without facing litigation!

How Can I Use An Artist’s Music In My Video? Permission vs. Public Domain

In most cases (except for public domain, but more on that later), when using a piece of music in your video you will need permission from the rights holders. Who are these rights holders? This is the artist, record label, and publisher that own the copyright to the intellectual property for the song you want.

Usually, the publishing company will administer the rights to gain access to the copyright of the composition/lyrics to a song and the record label will hold the rights to the master recording of that song. Sometimes the publisher and record label are the same entity and other times they’re separate companies.

It’s important to know that when licensing a song you need to make sure that your license covers both the composition/lyrics and the sound recording. These can be two separate licenses.

Permission comes in the form of a legal document called a synchronization or ‘sync’ license. The sync license is the ticket to using your desired track without legal ramifications.

Before contacting rights holders for permission you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Term: How long the license is valid for?
  • License usage: This is gauged by how many employees are at your company
  • License type: Online promotional video, TV advertising commercial, etc.
  • Territory: Where it will be played?

The only time you won’t need a sync license is if the music you want to use is in the public domain (PD for short). “Any song or musical work published in 1922 or earlier is in the Public Domain in the USA,” according to PD Info. This covers the compositions and lyrics, however, sound recordings are not always PD in the United States unless their creators submitted them. In the case where a sound recording isn’t PD you would need permission from the rights holder of that sound recording (most likely the record label).  Here is a resource of music that is currently in the Public Domain.

How Do I Obtain Permission?

So, we know that we need permission to use someone’s music in our video. The challenge is finding out who the rights holders are and how to contact them.

Permission to use a sound recording:

To get permission for a sound recording you have to contact the record label that owns the master recording. A quick Google search will tell you this info or looking at the back of the album (old school!).

Contacting the label is as easy as visiting their website. Most labels make it clear in their ‘Contact Us’ section which e-mail address you should contact for licensing requests.

Permission to use composition & lyrics:

The rights holder of the composition and lyrics are not always the same as the record label and this information can be harder to find.

To track down which publishing company owns the rights to your requested song, you’ll have to visit the websites of the three major performing rights organizations. All publishers and songwriters will belong to one of these three performing rights organizations: ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.

What Are The Alternatives? Using Royalty-Free Music In Your Video

Due to shrinking production budgets, most companies don’t have the funds to license popular songs by well-known artists for every campaign they run. A much more economic solution is royalty-free music, also know as ‘stock music’. The term royalty-free means that you (the content creator) won’t have to pay out royalties every time the video plays on YouTube or even broadcast TV.

There are several stock music libraries out there with huge catalogues of music ready for licensing. No need to worry about getting permission, that’s been taken care of! The copyright and master recording have been pre-cleared by the rights holders.

The quality of music in stock libraries is high and getting higher everyday with today’s most relevant sounds. When you find your desired track on the stock music site of your choice, click “license now”. You’ll then have to choose the license that makes sense for you project and you’re on your way to having music in your video.

Here is a list of some of my favourite music libraries:

What About Fair Use? It Wouldn’t Be Fair to Leave it Out

Under some circumstances it’s possible to use an artist’s song in your video without permission from rights holders. This type of usage falls under the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Law.  This area can get really grey, so be careful and realistic as to how you’re using the music. Ways that music can be used under fair use:

  1. News Reporting
  2. Criticism
  3. Comment
  4. Scientific research
  5. Teaching
  6. Parody

It’s important to note that if the rights holders (the artist, publishing company, record label, etc.) disagree with your use than you may be facing lawsuit and damages. Yikes!

What Will Happen If I Use Copyrighted Music Without Permission?

I do not at all recommend using copyrighted music in your video without the proper permission, but should it happen it’s important to know what you could be facing.

If you’re lucky, nothing will happen. The severity of punishment depends on if you’re making money from the video. The more money being earned the higher the risk. Here are some things that could happen:

  • The audio in your video is muted.
  • YouTube account receives a strike. (3 and you’re out.)
  • Ads are placed on your video with revenue going to the artist/publisher.
  • The right’s holder(s) of the work will file legal action against you.

Thanks for reading. If you’re ever unsure about having the proper permissions just remember: when in doubt, leave it out!

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Attention Economy: Why Marketers Are Killing, Not Capturing, Attention

There’s a principle in economics that lies at the heart of how the entire economy works: scarcity.

Scarcity is the simple concept of something being in short supply. It’s the idea that there is not enough supply of some resource to meet the demand of that resource.

supply and demand graphWe face scarcity when there are no bananas left at the grocery store, when we wait in line for hours to snag the newest iPhone, or when we want to go to yoga and walk the dog, but there’s only 1 hour left in the evening. Scarcity is everywhere. We even face scarcity when we want our partner’s attention, but they’re all-consumed in their devices.

As marketers, we face scarcity when we want the attention of our audience, but are competing with thousands of other marketers, companies, people, and things for that finite resource.

While all this may sound a little grim, and like we’re in a constant battle for, well … everything. Scarcity isn’t a bad thing. It’s what makes the world go round, it’s one of the principles that drives our economy and how prices for goods and services are set. Without scarcity, no one would ever pay for anything. There would be an infinite supply of everything, no one could make money, which means we couldn’t exchange it for goods and services. But then, why would we need to, if there was an endless supply of everything? Theoretically, no one would go hungry either, but I digress.

One thing’s for sure: the nature of scarce resources is nothing to be afraid of. Even when it comes to our audience’s attention.

The Scarcity of Attention

In recent years, the explosion of information at our fingertips has led to the ultimate battle for attention. There are a wealth of attention demands that didn’t previously exist: advertisers want your attention before you watch the next video on YouTube; your friends want your attention on SnapChat, Facebook, and text; and your colleagues and every marketer out there want your attention in your inbox.

But there’s only so much attention to go around; whether it’s yours or your prospects’.

“We each have only 24 hours in the day.  Where we choose to allocate this attention will increasingly determine who creates economic value and who destroys economic value.” – John Hagel, Co-Chairman, Centre for the Edge, Deloitte

Unfortunately, the recent incline in attention scarcity doesn’t only come from these increasing demands on our attention … it also comes from a decline in supply, as well. That decline comes in the form of attention spans, which has fallen from an average attention span of 12 seconds to 8 seconds in the last 15 years. This is, more than likely, due to the increasing demands on an average adult’s attention all day long.

attention economy 2016

We are facing a gigantic attention scarcity.

But marketers need attention. Without it, you can’t explain all the pain points you solve and you certainly can’t move them down the funnel.

So what do we do? What’s the secret to securing the last bunch of bananas when there are five other potassium-starved shoppers approaching at exactly the same speed as you? Or (maybe more relevant to your current situation) capture your prospects’ attention?

Do you scream louder? Or more frequently? That’s what most marketers do. But most marketers are looking at it all wrong, and actually exacerbating the problem.

Why Marketers Are Looking at it All Wrong

You’re working so hard to drive more pipeline and catch as much attention as you can possible get that you’re actually, maybe, potentially (no really), making the problem worse. Not better.

Just take email as an example: the average person receives 85 business emails per day. That’s a lot. And marketing emails are part of that. But those marketing emails only see click-through rates of 1.5%.

That means that when we email 10,000 people, 150 click through, on average. And we’ve come to accept this, somehow.

But in order to meet our pipeline goals, we need more than 150 interactions with our content, so we compensate. Marketers send more emails so they can boost the opportunity for engagement with potential customers.

But more emails, means more attention demand in the short-term, and less attention supply in the long-term, which puts us right back where we started.

In other words, we end up with a cyclical process called the Attention Resource Cycle:

attention resource cycle

The presence of competing messages and naturally low attention spans is feeding itself and it isn’t going away any time soon. Sending more and more messages just adds to the problem. So is the answer going radio silent? Of course not, because you need attention before you can even begin to hope to drive pipeline.

The answer lies in how you are trying to capture that attention.

How Marketers Can Conquer Attention Scarcity

It’s critical now, more than ever, to look for new ways to compete by getting more out of each contact with your audience. Look to produce high-impact communications that grab attention with true interest from your audience. This means you’re not looking to use gimmicky “re: … “ or “FWD: …” subject line stuff, no ALL CAPS, or “act now or else we’ll steal your Cheerios”. You’re looking for more.

The ideal attention-grabbing marketing communications piece follows this equation:

equation attention communication

But with the current shortage of attention supply and all-time high of attention demand, many marketers are struggling to achieve even the first part of this equation.

The answer lies in a person’s name.

Gone are the days of marketing to personas as a whole. I work in content marketing and surely one of you reading works in content marketing, but chances are your job and my job are different in some ways. And more importantly, you and me as people, are probably very different.

How B2B Marketers Can Drive More Pipeline with Personalized Video

Get the Guide

So why would marketers think that something that grabs and holds your attention would do the same for me?

2016 is the time for hyper-personalized marketing. It’s time to treat you, me, and every prospect as individuals.

personalized marketing

Personalized marketing first originated with names in emails. Remember when it was a novelty to use “Hi <firstname>” and see your own name at the beginning of an email? Your own name!

That concept was so wildly successful because people crave personal connection and recognition. In fact, a personalized email is still more effective than a generic one today. According to Aberdeen, personalized emails see 14% higher click-throughs than non-personalized emails.

And all the fuzzy-feels seem to trickle through to on-page conversions as well with 10% higher conversions than non-personalized emails. But there’s more to personalization than just merging someone’s name in an email, offering them a new piece of content based on their job title, or even customizing a web page based on their industry.

Today, there’s a great trend towards individualization or hyper-personalization.

This is where content is truly customized for each individual person – on a mass scale – and brings them into the story you’re telling. It’s where the entire experience with your brand feels truly like you’re getting to know your prospects and building a one-to-one relationship.

The future of marketing … your future … depends on this ability to build a connection and hold your share of the attention supply.

personalized video pipeline

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Old Irish Blurs the Lines of Virtual Reality in This Incredible Video

Take any major technological advancement of the past hundred years, and chances are you’ll find that there are three stages to success. Whether it’s the printing press or Instagram, here’s how it typically works: first, the early adopters take a chance. Then, mainstream acceptance comes and celebrities get on board. Step three? The marketers arrive!

Virtual reality, long the dream of every kid that grew up in the 1980s, has become more than just … well … reality. It’s not only achievable, but beautiful, as these examples from the Wall Street Journal show.

With all the focus on virtual reality, the question of what happens to real life, face-to-face connections in marketing is becoming a bigger issue. If your prospects can take part in a virtual tour of your product or facility, what role does real life play in your marketing?

Old Irish, a craft beer hailing from the Eastern European country of Georgia, decided to have some fun blurring the line between virtual and reality. Their video proves that sometimes it’s not what happens when you put on the virtual reality goggles that matters — it’s what happens when you take them off:

And since we’re all a bit jealous we weren’t standing in downtown Tbilisi when someone offered us a headset, here’s why this campaign was so amazing and what you can learn from it:

Virtual Reality is a Premium Experience

Hands up if you own a VR headset like the $600 Oculus Rift, or the $800 HTC Vive. A few hands, for sure, but definitely nothing compared to, say, a smartphone. Virtual reality, and the technology that powers it, is still a premium experience, so being offered an opportunity to put on a VR headset and experience Ireland in high-definition, 360-degree motion is still pretty amazing.

That said, businesses who are willing to invest in a 360-degree camera, or work with an agency that has this kind of technology, can still take advantage of this awesome new format of video without having to give all of their prospects a VR headset. Facebook allows for 360 videos that integrate into the mobile motion sensor on your phone, meaning you can move your phone around to take in all of the 360 action. Prospects viewing your video in their browsers can navigate the 360 experience with their mouse. Want a taste of the action? Here’s a video from Michelle Obama that shows off that power pretty perfectly:


The Most Multi-Channel Video Experience Ever

We’ve seen some pretty cool interactive elements built into videos in the past. Honda’s “The Other Side” invited viewers to swap, in real-time, between the lighter, family-friendly version of the Honda Civic experience, and the dark, seedy version:

That experience was amazing for viewers, but the jarring, awesome moment of taking off your VR headset and being transported from a main square in Tbilisi to an authentic-styled Irish Pub in the span of only a few moments is probably the most amazing interactive video experience we’ve seen yet.

Old Irish obviously put a significant amount of time into creating the perfect stage for their ‘wow’ moment, and given that they’re an Irish beer, what a better place to finish than an Irish pub, feeling like you walked in off the street? The not-so-slightly looking gatekeeper of this pub standing menacingly in front of you creates the perfect moment to remove the headphones and VR headset that have completely cut you off from actual reality for the past few moments and slam you back into reality — albeit a new reality that was pleasantly unexpected.

Not every brand is going to have the capacity to build a hidden bar in a downtown corridor and secretly enclose people in it for the sake of a marketing campaign.

Even reading that sentence feels like something out of a movie script, but there are some great take-aways you can use if you are experimenting with VR. In-person events would be a great opportunity to use this technology, especially at conferences. Imagine having someone walk your prospects through your office, and then taking off the headset to find that person waiting for them at the booth? Or what about incorporating a give-away into your VR experience for attendees that make it to the end of your video and find the cool item they were promised in the video is sitting on the same pedestal in real-life?

Companies betting big on VR are already putting some big budget towards their production efforts, so why not go the extra mile and incorporate some actual reality into your virtual campaign!

The Video Lets Everyone be in on the Joke

The key to this campaign isn’t that you were one of the unsuspecting people that was about to have a bottle smashed on their head. It’s that you, like the people running the campaign, get to watch along from home as someone’s entire reality gets shifted right before their eyes, and watch their surprise and awe as they experience one of the coolest marketing stunts we’ve seen on record. Recording it means that Old Irish can extend the magic of this campaign well beyond the handful of people who got to participate. And they are not the first company to pull a big public stunt in a town square and catch it on candid camera. Television network TNT did something similar with their Push to Add Drama Button:

But much like this video, Old Irish succeeds in letting us come along for the ride. From awesome shots of the VR landscape behind the goggles:

To the great drone footage they used to capture the bar taking shape on another unsuspecting Ireland enthusiast:

And finally, people’s reactions to transitioning from virtual reality to actual reality:

Old Irish has done a great job of packaging this real life campaign into a video that shows everyone the power of pairing virtual reality with an unexpected change to the world outside the goggles.

The moral of this story? Even if your marketing campaign only touches a handful of people, if you can capture the experience in a meaningful way on video, you can bring the same feeling of awe to thousands of viewers from all over the globe.

Wrapping It All Up

Now that virtual reality and the 360-degree cameras that power it are starting to move from incredible technologies of the future to household appliances, campaigns like this may seem normal in a few year’s time. But Old Irish will definitely go down in history as one of the earliest companies to use virtual reality to wow its prospective customers, and they did so by blurring the line between VR and real life in an incredible way.

Your prospects are being bombarded with messaging every minute of every day. What can you do to genuinely surprise and delight them? Maybe your business doesn’t want to break bottles over the heads of your customers, but you never know. In the meantime, nothing fuels a good brainstorming session like a beer. And Old Irish seems like a pretty good place to start.

P.S. If you’re wondering how they managed to smash so many bottles over their heads without a permanent traumatic brain injury or two, I’ll just leave this here. Feel free to skip it if you don’t want to ruin the magic!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How to: Control Access to your Video and Restrict Video Sharing with Vidyard

Videos may be a fantastic medium for sharing and distributing content, however, there are times when you’ll want to restrict who can see your video and whether or not it can be shared. Let’s take your internal company training video, or the video you’re saving for a niche group of prospects; you wouldn’t want either one leaking out on social media or embedded on any outside domains, would you?

These videos – along with any others you want protected – can be secured safely and effectively. Find out how below!

Secure Your Videos with Vidyard Player Security Settings

There are 5 tools that can help you take control of your videos:

  1. Access Codes
  2. Scheduled Videos
  3. Domain Restrictions
  4. A Player IP Range Whitelist
  5. A Secure Platforms Whitelist

Access Codes let you control who sees your video and who doesn’t. Access codes work as a gate to your video; viewers must input an access code (chosen by you) BEFORE they are able to view your video. You can also choose to let users request an access code if they need one – which a moderator you select can approve or deny. The beauty of this is that you can have very precise control over your viewership.

Scheduled Videos are a great tool for when you’re ready to deploy a player, but not ready for your viewers to see it just yet. If you embed a scheduled player on your website or landing page, it won’t allow playback until the date and time you’ve set.

Domain Restrictions prevent your players from being shared or embedded outside a webpage that you choose. Take for instance, that internal training video you have for new company hires. Once you’ve embedded it on a web page, you can restrict it to make sure it can’t be embedded or shared anywhere else – this will protect your top secret training information from leaking outside of your company.

IP Range Whitelists give you the power to restrict a player so it only plays in a specific physical location, such as your company office or a set of offices. It’s as easy as telling Vidyard the IP addresses where the player can be viewed (your ‘whitelist’), and the player won’t play anywhere else. You can set this for individual players, or for all the players in a group.

A Secure Platforms Whitelist lets you restrict a player so it can only be viewed from a secured platform – a platform where viewers need to log in to have access (such as a Vidyard Video Hub, or Salesforce Chatter). This gives you two advantages: you can control who views the video, and it means all your viewers will be identified, since all your viewers are logged in.

How To Secure Your Videos Quickly and Easily

Secure your videos quickly and easily with Vidyard’s Player Security features. You can find them all from a player’s the security tab in your Vidyard account.

  1. Once logged in at, hover your mouse over the player you want to secure and click Security.
    security vidyard
  1. Under the Security Restrictions tab you’ll find the Domain Restriction, Player IP Range Whitelist, and Secured Platforms Whitelist options.
    security restrictions vidyard
  2. Under the Security Access Control tab you’ll find the Scheduled Videos, and Access Code options.
    security access control vidyard
  1. Use this powerful toolbox to secure your player based on your video strategy. You find more detailed instructions at the Vidyard Knowledge Center here.

Now that you know all the powerful security tools Vidyard offers you, what are you waiting for? Get started now! 

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Friday, June 17, 2016

Welcome to the Brand New Vidyard HQ

Over three years ago, we made a pretty big move as a company. Leaving behind the tiny house that we had gutted and rebuilt to serve as our office, we moved our small team a few blocks east to what we thought would be a long-term home at 119 King St in Kitchener. The new office had everything – room for our desks, a real kitchen, and a rooftop patio. A year later, we moved half our team to the floor below, and once again doubled our space. Little did we know how big we would grow!

Last week we bid a not-so-tearful farewell to our now cramped space and triumphantly marched as a team to our new office at 8 Queen Street. In a building steeped in local history, Vidyard was now prepared to open the next chapter for both our team, and for the community we live and work in.

Making our way to our new space. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart) Making our way to our new space. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart)

Making our way to our new space. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart) Keys in the door at 8 Queen. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart)

8 Queen Street, or the Goudies Building as it’s known locally, started its life as a department store in 1925 and served as a pillar of Kitchener’s bustling downtown community. When the store closed officially in the 1980s, the city acquired it due to tax arrears, and split it in half. One portion became Kitchener’s landmark children’s museum, and the other sat largely empty, save a small supply company that caters to the Catholic church.

That was until Brick By Brick Developments took over the property, and began the process of modernizing the space while retaining the incredible brick-and-beam architecture and history that makes the Goudies building so unique. Once renovations were completed earlier this month, including the addition of a glass atrium on the 3rd floor, Vidyard made our grand parade, and started unpacking our boxes in our new home.

As Michael Litt often says, “Spaceships don’t come equipped with rear-view mirrors,” and while we loved our office at 119 King Street, the only place to go from here is up. Divided among three floors, the office presents as many challenges as it affords new opportunities, but as we crest the wave of over 150 employees, nobody is looking back at our old office with longing. Having room to stretch out our legs, expand our various teams, and finally have events in our office again without having to move all the furniture out of the way is simply too good of a feeling to pass up.

Interested in checking out our space for yourself? Check out the photos below, scroll through this awesome photo set Communitech took on our move-in day, and join us June 24th for our open house!

Checking out the new 2nd floor. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart) Checking out the new 2nd floor. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart)

Getting some sun in the atrium on 3rd. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart) Getting some sun in the atrium on 3rd. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart)

Catching up in the 2nd floor kitchen. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart) Catching up in the 2nd floor kitchen. (Communitech photo: Anthony Reinhart

The sign makes it official! The sign makes it official!

We couldn't leave behind the foam pit! We couldn’t leave behind the foam pit!

So much extra storage! So much extra storage!

So much room for activities! So much room for activities!

And once the boxes are unpacked, back to business as usual! And once the boxes are unpacked, back to business as usual!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Vidyard Engage Extends the Power of Video to B2B Sales, Support and Customer Success

Vidyard Engage makes it easy to send videos natively from Gmail and Outlook and understand the digital body language of viewers

NEW YORK, New York – SALES MACHINE 2016 – June 15, 2016 – Vidyard, the video intelligence platform for business, today introduced Vidyard Engage – a new suite of tools that extends the power of video beyond marketing to sales, support, customer success and other teams across the organization.

With Vidyard Engage, customer facing teams can now access, record and send video content directly from Gmail and Microsoft Outlook as easily as attaching a PDF to an email. When the recipient clicks play, Vidyard Engage notifies the sender what was watched, how long they viewed it and which parts they skipped or replayed. With these insights into the viewer’s digital body language, users can gain new intelligence on which customers and prospects are most engaged in their message and which topics are holding their attention.

“Video is the most effective way to connect with modern B2B buyers, and it can also offer incredible insight into the interests and intent of each individual viewer,” said Michael Litt, co-founder and CEO of Vidyard. “Despite its success as a strategic marketing tool, video remains an untapped resource for helping sales reps close more deals or building better relationships with existing clients. We’re addressing this head-on by making it simple for customer-facing teams to share key video assets from right inside their inbox and use viewer engagement data to better understand their audience.”

Today’s customer-facing teams are looking for new ways to capture and maintain the attention spans of their target audiences. Marketers have already seen video’s ability to boost click-through rates by 27 percent, increase page conversion by 34 percent and enhance on-page engagement. But while video marketing effectiveness is increasing for 91 percent of companies, fewer than one-third of sales organizations are using video content effectively to influence deals. This is largely attributed to how challenging it is for sales reps to find, access and utilize video assets in their prospecting and selling workflows.

Vidyard already helps marketing teams manage, optimize and analyze their video content and online viewers at scale. Now, with Vidyard Engage and its new integrations with Gmail and Outlook, Vidyard is empowering anyone within the organization to leverage video content for one-to-one prospecting and communications.

  • Sales reps can boost conversion rates by prospecting with video and focusing on the most engaged prospects;
  • Sales Enablement can better educate sales teams on new products and make the best marketing videos more accessible to the sales team;
  • Support reps can close cases faster by sending the best how-to and training videos while learning which content is best resonating with customers;
  • Customer success teams can build stronger relationships with clients by using video content to bring a face to their brand.

With Vidyard Engage, it’s easy to create, send and track video with intelligence on viewership.

  • Send: Easily access, record and send videos from within Gmail or Outlook as easily as attaching a PDF;
  • Watch: Videos automatically play back on dedicated branded sharing pages, so there is no need to post to YouTube or upload to a specific site;
  • Alert: Receive email notification as soon as the viewer watches the video and get details on how long they engaged;
  • Act: Click into that contact to view their full viewing history within Vidyard Contact Center.

For customers using Salesforce, all video viewing data can also be pushed directly into individual lead and contact records for centralized tracking and ROI reporting.

Pricing & Availability

  • Vidyard Engage support for Gmail is available today. Integration with Microsoft Outlook will be available later in June 2016.
  • Vidyard Engage is sold under a per seat license model.

Additional Information

About Vidyard

Vidyard (Twitter: @Vidyard) is the video intelligence platform that helps businesses drive more revenue through the use of online video. Going beyond video hosting and management, Vidyard helps businesses drive greater engagement in their video content, track the viewing activities of each individual viewer, and turn those views into action. Global leaders such as Honeywell, McKesson, Lenovo, LinkedIn, Cision, TD Ameritrade, Citibank, MongoDB and Sharp rely on Vidyard to power their video content strategies and turn viewer into customers.

Media Contact:

Brad Hem
Phone: (281) 543-0669

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Introducing Vidyard Engage: Extend the Power of Video Across the Entire B2B Business

Send video from Gmail and Outlook and understand the digital body language of viewers.

At a time when attention spans are at their shortest, email inboxes are at their fullest, and conversion rates are at their lowest, sales and marketing organizations are looking for new ways to capture and maintain the attention of customers and prospects.

Today, we’re excited to introduce Vidyard Engage, a new suite of tools that helps teams create and send video content from Gmail and Outlook as easily as attaching a PDF. But with more insight than a PDF attachment …  when viewers click play the sender is alerted instantly to who watched, what they watched, and how long they stayed engaged.

See it in action with this short demo:

Bringing the Power of Video to the Masses

Marketing teams have already begun to realize the power of video to boost click-through rates by 27 percent, increase page conversion by 34 percent and enhance time spent on page by 2 minutes and more…

If video can capture and retain attention, why haven’t more teams adopted it as a way to communicate with their audiences?

When it comes to sales teams, for example, fewer than one in three sales teams use video engagement data to influence deals! What we’ve heard from many sales reps, customer success teams, and support managers is that video is just too difficult. It’s too difficult to find the right videos. It’s too difficult to use them in their sales workflow. And it’s too difficult to measure their impact.

That’s why we created Vidyard Engage: to help companies use video across their business by making it easy to send videos from Gmail and Outlook and allowing them to measure how customers and prospects are engaging.

For those businesses that use Salesforce, Vidyard can push video viewing data for videos sent with Vidyard Engage into the individual lead and contact records of viewers, too. This allows sales and marketing leaders to measure the impact video is having on opportunities, pipeline, and closed deals.

Who Wins with Engage?

Lots of teams can gain from being able to tap into the power of video to engage their audiences and capture intelligence around what they’re watching.

In other words, video is here for more than marketing.

From inside sales teams prospecting with video to field sales sending custom video follow-ups, selling with video improves conversion rates and helps reps spot and focus on the highest qualified deals.

Webinar: Why Sales Teams Need Vidyard Engage to Close Bigger Deals, Faster

Sign Up Now!

Customer support teams can close cases faster by sending the best how-to and training videos to customers. And it allows them to identify the videos that resonate most with customers.

Customer Success teams can use video to cut down on-boarding time and build stronger relationships with custom videos created by success managers.

WIIFM? (What’s in it for Marketing, That Is)

Marketing teams face their own set of challenges when it comes to supporting sales.

Marketers often find it difficult to prove the value of marketing campaigns to their sales peers and leadership. Video, being a highly measurable medium, can help! By making it easy to use video throughout the sales cycle, and then measuring the impact of video all the way through the funnel – from opportunity, to pipeline to closed revenue – marketing can show ROI!

Another common challenge is with getting sales teams to adopt and use marketing assets. This leads to the value of marketing’s work staying locked away; it’s potential, limited. Here again, Vidyard Engage puts marketing’s latest and greatest videos at the fingertips of customer facing teams – right in the systems they are already using today to engage with customers and prospects, like Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.  No need to post videos to YouTube or send viewers to special sites.

Let’s Get into the Details. Here’s How it Works!

Vidyard Engage focuses on making it easy to bring video right into the inboxes of customer-facing teams. And when we say easy, we mean it. It’s as simple as send, watch, alert, and act.

1. Send.

Send video from Gmail or Microsoft Outlook as easily as attaching a PDF. Browse through videos from marketing and sales and quickly create a custom playlist in just a few clicks. Then add your videos to your email message with a thumbnail image and play button to drive maximum conversion.
video in email
video in email2

2. Watch.

When your recipient clicks play, the video plays back on a branded sharing page. No need to send viewers to YouTube (and lose them!) or post videos to a custom site. Branded sharing pages can be customized to match your website ensuring a consistent brand experience.

video in email3
3. Alert.

As soon as a recipient clicks play, the sender can be notified by email with details on who watched, what they watched, and how long the stayed engaged.
video analytics

4. Act.

From the email, click in to that contact to view their complete video viewing history inside the Vidyard Contact Center. See all the videos they’ve watched, understand which ones captured and retained their attention, and spot the sections that they rewatched to hone in on the topics they’re most interested in. This is where the magic is. Armed with this intelligence into what viewers have watched, it’s now possible to take a more tailored next step.
video analytics2
At Vidyard, we love helping businesses succeed through video. It’s why we get up in the morning. No, it’s why we leap up in the morning! That’s why we’re so excited to be able to empower anyone within the organization to leverage video content for one-to-one prospecting and communications thanks to Vidyard Engage.

Learn more about Vidyard Engage at and join our upcoming webinar on July 6th: Why Sales Teams Need Vidyard Engage to Close Bigger Deals, Faster.

vidyard engage webinar

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

3 Powerful Ways to Kick-Start Your ABM Program and Get More Big Elephants

Did you know that 92% of marketers worldwide believe account-based marketing, or ABM, is important to their marketing efforts?

Why is ABM such a loved strategy? As Doug Kessler, Creative Director and Co-founder of the B2B Marketing Agency, Velocity, says:

For most B2B marketing teams, the elephant in the room is that there aren’t enough elephants in the room.

In other words, it’s easy for organizations to fall into the trap of spending their time prospecting companies 10-20 times smaller than some of their ideal customers. This happens because all marketers have been stuck in the lead generation mindset for so long. We all just need more and more (and more!) leads. But when we target those individual leads and not a company at large, we’re:

  1. not accounting for the fact that decisions are not made by one, single person at any company, and
  2. not able to narrow in on key companies that would be ideal accounts.

But that’s a problem because we all want more big elephants.

And that’s why we’ve all, as in marketers, at least started down the path of ABM. (We recently told the story of our journey of going from MQL-focused thinking to an ABM approach here!)

But many marketers are struggling to drive results from their ABM programs (mainly due to inadequate technology and executional strategies).

While tackling the technology side of things is one of the first steps you’ll want to get a handle on, having a solid understanding of who to target and a stockpile of targeted content to serve them is a close second.

Which is exactly where video fits in.

There’s a lot that video consumption data can offer when it comes to identifying which content to serve up key accounts. Let’s take a look at the three ways to use video to help improve your ABM programs.

1. Use Video Consumption Data From Closed Deals to Guide Which Content to Serve

There’s something to be said about those deals you already closed. That something is that you obviously did something right. So the first place to look for what content to serve new accounts is the ones you’ve already closed.

Check out what video content your ideal accounts consumed and stayed engaged with. Look at those videos that influenced closed deals in your CRM system and those that held a long attention span (ideally longer than 80%) in your video marketing platform. Then serve this content up to similar accounts. You might define these similar accounts by industry, or similar company size, or even attribute like marketing technology they’re using, for example.

abm program ideas

Look specifically for those videos that your closed deals consumed the most of and those that they consumed at different funnel stages and then replicate this for your new key accounts.

And note that the attributes you choose to target will obviously change depending on your company, so make sure you sit down and identify these first.

2. Personalize Video Content to Target Key Accounts

One of the reasons ABM is so successful is because it tells the targeted prospect that you’re speaking to them directly. You’re reaching out one on one.

So if you can combine this one on one experience with video, the medium buyers’ are craving, you’ll be even further ahead. Consider personalizing video content for your top 10-20 accounts. You don’t necessarily have to record or create a brand new video each time (although you could do this for your top 5 if you were really ambitious!). Instead, you could create a templated video and just customize the video splash-screen and first few seconds with company information.

Be careful with this templated tactic, though. Make sure that your video message makes sense for all of your key accounts. If, for example, you’re targeting multiple industries and you can get your message across better by being much more industry-specific, you could always create a handful of videos that are tailored to each industry and then apply the ABM personalization on top. Or you could do the same thing for different personas within the same company.

The possibilities are endless!

Take a look at Taulia’s use of persona-specific videos to get an idea of how this might work, below.


Accounts Payable


3. Use Video Engagement Data as a Precursor to Serve Predictive Display Ads

If you’re using a video platform integrated with your marketing automation platform and someone from IBM watches your product video, you’ll know. But if they later left and started browsing through the rest of the internet, would you let them leave? And forget about you?

Elephants never forget.

So don’t let your prospects forget either. Use that video data to serve up ads around the web. But not just any ads, those that are specifically related to the content they already consumed — and the content you know they’re interested in — and address them (or rather, their account) directly. Using a tool like Terminus or DemandBase, you can create customized ads like this one below that Salesforce served up to Hoover’s about financial services.

abm program ideas

Generally, you only want to promote new content along the same topic to those who consumed the entire video. If a viewer only got partway through the video, try retargeting them and sending them back to that asset.

From using tailored content to making use of in-depth video engagement data, there are so many opportunities to use video to beef up your ABM programs. Are you using video in your ABM program? Share how in the comments below!

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Forrester Weighs in on the Top Video Platforms for Marketing and Sales

Believe it or not, posting videos on YouTube isn’t a video strategy.

Even Forrester Research Analyst, Nick Barber, said so in his latest report, Online Video Platforms for Sales and Marketing:

If you think “doing video” means having a YouTube channel, then you need to up your game.

In 2015, video overtook all other activities in time spent online. And no, this isn’t just a B2C thing. 70% of B2B buyers and researchers are watching videos throughout their entire path to purchase. That’s a 52% jump in only two years.

Vendor Landscape: Online Video Platforms for Sales And Marketing

Get the Report

And sure, YouTube is definitely a part of this video consumption, but think of it as the ¼ tablespoon of vegetable oil in a complex baking recipe. In other words, you need more ingredients. An online video platform, according to Forrester, is a critical part of your video technology strategy and you need one to support the customer life cycle.

Without [an online video platform], you’ll have undefined metadata and taxonomies that will zap search functionality and create a disjointed, frustrating customer experience.

Forrester also explains that an online video platform helps you go above and beyond the norm and push the customer experience. With an online video platform, you can create interactive videos to boost engagement or even personalized video experiences to speak to your prospects one on one.

Nick Barber gets into the weeds and highlights the key considerations all marketers need to be thinking about as they grow their video strategy and how to ensure their technology is supporting — and boosting — that growth with an online video platform.  

Download the report to:

  • see how an online video platform can help you distribute compelling video and measure content impact
  • dive into the unique customer experiences like interactivity and personalization that an online video platform can help you create
  • discover the key OVPs that can help you conquer your video strategy once and for all

online video platform vendor report forrester

Wait … there’s more! Nick Barber, the Forrester Research Analyst responsible for this in-depth report will be presenting a live webinar to expand on this report and share his latest research on B2B video consumption, the growth of online video platforms, the leading edge of video technology, and best practices you need to follow if you’re using video for business.

Join the webinar, The Video Marketing Landscape: What All B2B Marketers Need to Know, to discover:

  • Video consumption behavior throughout the B2B customer journey
  • How to organize video content and automate distribution with a video platform
  • The biggest video marketing trends like personalization, interactivity, and sentiment analysis
  • Recommendations for evaluating an online video platform
  • Where to invest now and in the future for continued video marketing success

video marketing landscape forrester

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Video Marketing How-To: Measuring Your Video Success

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Video Marketing How-To! This week we want to talk about the three top metrics you need to be measuring to ensure your videos are successful. Let’s dive in!

First up is everyone’s favorite metric: view counts. While the number of people who watch your video isn’t the final definition of success, it’s still good to get a feel for whether your content is popular and resonating with your audience. If you’re in a niche industry, don’t be sad if you don’t get millions of views — all you need is a few hundred people that are passionate about what you do to make a big difference. But make sure to pair this with…

Engagement data! Views just mean your audience clicked play, but are they watching your videos all the way to the end? You’ll find this data in your video marketing platform, and it’s crucial to measuring the success of your video. As a rule of thumb, make sure you’re retaining more than 60% of your viewers all the way to the end. This will also help you see where viewers are dropping off and help you optimize and improve your content.

Last but not least, is looking at the click-through rates on your Calls-to-Action or YouTube annotations. If you’re building your video to drive a specific action — which you should always be doing — this is going to be your be-all-end-all metric. Did your video actually get people to click through to the next step? That should be your end goal. Typically YouTube annotations have a point five to one percent click through rate, but yours may vary.

Thanks again for joining us for another episode of Video Marketing How-To, and I look forward to seeing you in another few weeks for another episode! Have a good one!

Watch more episodes of Video Marketing How-To:

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Always Be Teaching Something: Wise Words from Andy Orsow

When you’re looking to learn something new, who do you turn to? The best in the business, that’s who — and that’s why we’re excited to launch a new series on the Vidyard blog. Wise Words goes beyond thought leaders who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. We’re interviewing marketers that are in the trenches, creating video, managing campaigns, and driving revenue to see how they’re getting the job done every day.

For our first interview, we had the privilege of talking to Andy Orsow, Communications Designer at InVision, the world’s leading product design collaboration platform. Andy’s been with the company for over two years, and has watched them grow into a distributed team of over 200 people. Starting out his humble video career producing a music video in high school, Andy was tapped to write a blog post on a new feature InVision was creating, and put together a video. “It wasn’t great, but it was better than what we had done before,” Orsow said during our call, “and I quickly ended up becoming the go-to guy for product launches and videos.”

Over time his responsibilities have grown from the occasional video to producing a regular content series, and doing product launch videos on a regular basis. The secret to InVision’s success? Their belief in video comes from the top. “Our CEO, Clark, works very closely on video projects. He and I will noodle on ideas together, and having that advocacy at the top is super important.” Orsow added, “Clark is one of smartest people I have ever worked with. He’s an incredible storyteller and marketer in general, and having those two skillsets under his belt is key.”

To understand how InVision uses video in their day-to-day, we dove into campaigns, episodic content, and more:

1. Do you produce your videos in-house, or do you work with an agency?

About 90 percent of our video is done in-house, by me in my apartment. We’re an entirely distributed company, and have folks working remotely all around the world. This proves to be a big challenge with video, as sometimes you’re living in a larger place, sometimes you’re in a smaller one, and it’s not always glamorous when you see behind the scenes of something like Design Snacks. Some of my equipment spills into the kitchen, but we get it done, and it can be a ton of fun.

2. Design Snack is your episodic video series, tell us about that!

Episodic content is something we’re trying to capitalize on a bit more now. We’ve shifted the strategy to go from tips and tricks about Sketch and Photoshop to broader topics including general design thinking, the life of a designer, etc. What’s interesting is that Design Snacks do not get as many views as a product launch video, but they have a really high engagement rate for long videos. Our recent videos are over three minutes long, and have a 79 percent engagement rate, which is better than most marketing content. This is the data I’m currently trying to parse, as I want to know how we can boost our traffic to such engaging content.

Episodic content is great for generating a loyal fanbase — people who care about a specific thing that you are doing — which is always good. If that translates into an enterprise deal, that’s great, but getting people to care about what you do as a company and giving back to them is always a win.

3. Let’s talk about conversions, how does video fit into your lead generation strategy?

Our most successful lead capturing effort was a video that utilized email capture at the end, providing a preview of an upcoming feature. For example, we have a new feature called Motion coming out soon, which will bring motion design UI animation into InVision so people can design much smaller and more detailed interactions. The community is excited about it, and we used the video as a way to build a beta list. We had a 40 percent conversion rate on email capture, which is huge.

The key is, you want to make your video short enough so viewers watch all the way to the end if that’s where you include your call to action. Do your best at understanding people’s time, energy, and focus, and make a video that is concise and exciting.

4. What spells success for you as a video marketer?

I don’t always look at form submits, as we don’t always include them in every video. Video for me is an amplifier for the other work that goes on in the marketing process. We have an insanely talented group of people at InVision and their efforts go into this culminating point of a product launch. If you take video and add that to the collective effort, it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.

In the absence of a really hard metric like signups, I pay attention to how many people clicked play — there’s a lot you can infer from this. For example, if you have a 30 percent play rate, how many of those people may have bounced if that video wasn’t available? How many are more engaged because they watched the video? We also look at video analytics like attention span to see how many people are watching all the way through. I value both of these things, so I work for shorter content on the marketing side – nothing over 1.5 minutes.

5. What’s your plan for taking video to the next level?

To start, more video. We’ve started expanding the different categories of videos that we make, working with outside contributors, and increasing the frequency of the videos that we post on the blog. We also have someone producing tutorial videos and that content has been performing really well.

Generally, we want to start expanding outward from the types of videos that we make. Not just product features, or how to do XYZ in Sketch — which is important and valuable — but looking at videos that serve our audience by teaching them something valuable, something that will better their lives in some way. That’s important not only to me, but our content strategy. Our goal is to give away helpful content that will empower designers to be better at their jobs.

6. Can you share a resource that you find valuable in your marketing efforts?

I don’t tend to read super technical marketing or design blogs. My inspiration comes more from the things I take in while watching other videos. Sometimes it’s watching a movie, sometimes it’s TV, sometimes it’s even just how someone shoots a commercial. That type of stuff gets stored away in my brain, and I figure out how to apply it.

If you look at a few of our Design Snack videos, there’s two where I do a goofy flashback moment, and I use the same types of sounds and visual effects as if you were watching a comedy on Fox or ABC. I love lifting from Hollywood.

Want to hear from more brilliant video marketers? Check out our Video Thought Leadership series, and get expert tips from Meagen Eisenberg, Jill Rowley, Joe Pulizzi, and more.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Change The Channel: Why Your Videos Need a New Home

In the beginning, there was YouTube. Well, close to the beginning. The world started in 2005, right?

Okay, maybe not. The world has been around for a while, and online video was nothing new in 2005. That said, while YouTube wasn’t the first site to feature video on the internet, it did change the way video existed online. It created an entirely new channel for marketers, amateur singers, hilarious backyard shenanigans, and big businesses to feature online content.

But what happens now, a mere 11 years later, when YouTube has over one billion users, and well over one billion videos?

While it’s good to have your content on YouTube, your prospects’ eyes are competing with hundreds of other videos in your category alone. Chances are, they’re going to click on another video on YouTube once yours is done — at best, it’s one of yours. Worst case scenario, it’s a pug playing the piano, or a competitor’s video on a similar topic. YouTube is still a very important channel for getting eyes on your video content, but it’s best used as a way to drive people back to your website. Once they’re there, you need to keep them on it.

That’s why more and more companies are choosing to build their own private YouTube. They’re turning off the external noise, bringing their videos home, keeping viewers on their site, and branding the experience. It’s time for marketers to change the channel. Here are a few examples to show you why:

Lone Wolf Technologies

Lone Wolf Video Hub

Real estate isn’t always a sexy industry behind the scenes. Outside of the home-flipping TV shows and smiling faces on the lawn signs, the nitty gritty details of buying, selling, and managing home sales is a messy blend of paperwork, signatures, and legal documents.

Smart brokerages are moving towards digital solutions, and Lone Wolf Technologies is leading the pack. But how do you educate real estate agents and brokerages on how to use new technology quickly and efficiently? The short answer is video — the long answer is well-organized video tutorials that are succinct and don’t waste anyone’s time.

Lone Wolf’s video hub is a shining example of what a support hub can be. Videos are organized by the technology that agents or brokers use, and newcomers can quickly and easily find the exact video that solves their problem. A new agent looking to add your first listing? That’s easy to search for. Broker looking to add a new agent to your system? That’s here too.

All of this content could exist on YouTube, but with the deluge of real estate related content floating around, it’s easy for a prospect, or even an existing customer, to get lost in a YouTube ‘black hole’ and find themselves six degrees of separation away from their original question. With Lone Wolf’s video hub, once you’ve finished watching a support video, the only other content you see is more support videos. Win-win.

Influitive Advocamp

Advocamp Video Hub

So, you’ve run your event, all of the attendees had a great time, you turned a few attendees into customers, and a few customers into advocates. Your work here is done, right?

Wrong! All those sessions you recorded are your new best content assets — and having a private channel you can tie into your event page is the key to getting the most out of them. Advocamp, Influitive’s incredible advocate marketing conference, pressed record on every session at their 2016 event, and their video hub is the next best thing to being there.

Advocamp organized their content into keynote streams, shorter one-person talks, streams around content, and featured videos from their hilarious pre-event campaign.

Having all of this event content organized in one place means attendees can quickly and easily find the videos of sessions they attended and share them with colleagues. It also means that non-attendees can experience the same content (minus the networking, free food, and celebrity hob-knobbing) and get pumped up for next year’s event.


Vocera Video Hub

Video marketing isn’t just for tech companies and Nerf guns anymore — literally every industry is benefitting from the engaging power of video, and healthcare is on the forefront of this.

Vocera is a company that straddles the line of technology and health care. Their platform for internal hospital communications is designed to provide critical information to the right people at the right time, in a variety of complex situations.

Explaining this complexity isn’t easy — unless you’re using video. Vocera’s video library features everything from in-depth customer testimonials, short segments on individual functionalities, and an entire library about different applications for their key communication products.

Keeping this content organized and accessible on YouTube wouldn’t be easy, but customizing the video experience for viewers with a video hub means that Vocera can create relevant channels that appeal to specific customers, and put the right product data into the hands of the right people at the right time. Seems pretty in line with their core mission!


Act-On Video Hub

The final company you should be learning from is Act-On. Boasting an impressive 3,000 customers, Act-On is a major player in the marketing automation space, and uses video to educate their customers on a host of important topics.

Their most impressive channel is their 15 Minute Marketer, in which they teach an in-depth marketing topic in 15 minutes or less. That may sound like a daunting task, but by being concise, looking at complex topics with simple solutions, and sticking to the formula, this series is making a big splash with marketers.

On top of that, Act-On has another channel dedicated to on-demand webinars, which they use a pre-roll email gate to collect lead information. While YouTube allows for some pretty in-depth annotations to direct viewers back to your website, or to other content, self-hosting your video is the only way to really collect true lead data before someone can watch. And if you’re asking people to fill in their contact details before they watch a live webinar, you should definitely be doing it for the recorded version as well.

Act-On’s video hub features support content, informative thought leadership videos, and on-demand webinars all organized in one simple, easy to navigate space. YouTube would just be holding them back.

Are You Ready to Change the Channel?

Self-hosted video hubs aren’t for everyone — you’ll notice that most of the businesses featured here have more than one or two videos, and are tracking metrics well beyond view counts.

If you’re working with a large library of video, and not seeing any traffic coming your way from YouTube, it may be time to start building your own internal channel. What you lose in the ‘subscription’ model of YouTube, you gain in brand recognition, customization, and control of what content your viewers see when your video is done.

Interested in learning more about how you can organize your content to create great video experiences for your audience? Click here to learn more about Vidyard Video Hubs, and see a few in action!

The post Change The Channel: Why Your Videos Need a New Home appeared first on Vidyard.

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